Dinner Options
This is so we can start having an idea who is coming and if we have any last minute questions we can reach you.
Please note that only RSVP=YES, takes priority when finalizing selections with catering company. We need to budget for each meal.
Please state if it's a mild or severe allergy , is it exposure or digestion only. Thank you. Leave blank if this doesn't apply to you.

Please take your time when making your selections

Reminder that this is just a poll to get the top choices of everyone. This is NOT what you're ordering for the reunion.
example: if you don't eat red meat; then you can skip meat options. If you only eat fish, then skip the poultry and meat option. If you eat it all, then select everything that applies to you.
Varela Vipers 2004 Copyright 2025 © All rights Reserved.